
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Art Of Face Reading

An Introduction to Face Reading:
  Interpretation of character and fate from the study of a person's face is called 'Physiognomy' or 'Face reading'. It is obvious that when we meet an unknown person, we try to understand his feelings by looking at his face.Your face is the mirror of your personality. Statistical results have shown that there is a strong connection between facial features and personality traits. Since thousands of years people have been trying to study the relationship between facial features and personality traits. The findings that they have reached have proven that you can judge someone's personality through his face features with a high degree of confidence.For example, you might have noticed that people who look alike tend to behave in the same way or at least have some common behavior or traits. You may have also noticed that all young babies act the same way and that all of their facial features are almost the same (Curved forehead which reflects creativity, big cheeks which reflects energy and wide eyes for sensitivity...etc).
The saying that “the face is the index of the mind” is true because we can make out the whole personality of a person through the science of Face Reading. According to this science, human face reveals all its personality traits if read by an expert face reader. Your face is just like an open book, comprising the most unforgettable and unique feature of your traits. A skilled face The saying that “the face is the index of the mind” is true because we can make out the whole personality of a person through the science of Face Reading. According to this science, human face reveals all its personality traits if read by an expert face reader. Your face is just like an open book, comprising the most unforgettable and unique feature of your traits. A skilled face reader can read each facial feature and line on a face to develop an accurate profile of its owner.Face size, lines, skin colour, spots etc. can reflect its owner's personal history, mental attitudes, intimacy needs, ethics, emotional style, and verbal communication. Roughly, if you want to know about personality of a person, it can be easily discovered through reading his or her face. 
Personology is the other name for face reading. What's more interesting about face reading or personology is that the personality/facial features relation is believed to be reversible.
 For example, if you changed your personality traits your facial features may change too over the years. You may have noticed how, after years of marriage, married couples start to look alike; this happens because their personalities come closer and so their facial features follows. 
The one thing people don't know about face reading is that it can't tell you anything about the behavior. For example i can never know that you are a shy person through face reading because that's something that you acquired as a result of your past experiences but i can certainly tell you that you are a logical thinker who prefers practical facts over intuition through face reading.

How to Read A Face:

Knowing how to read and interpret microexpressions is an essential part of understanding nonverbal behavior and reading people. Here is my brief guide to understanding the microexpression.
faces small
microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression that is shown on the face of humans according to the emotions that are being experienced. Unlike regular pro-longed facial expressions, it is difficult to fake a microexpression.
There are seven universal microexpressions: disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise, and contempt. They often occur as fast as 1/15 to 1/25 of a second.
The face is the best indicator of a person’s emotions. Yet, it is often overlooked. Dr. Paul Ekman, whose research is the premise of the show Lie to Me, has done groundbreaking research on decoding the human face. He has shown that facial expressions are universal. In other words, people in the US make the same face for sadness as indigenous people in Papa New Guinea who have never seen TV or movies to model. He also found that congenitally blind individuals—those blind since birth, also make the same expressions even though they have never seen other people’s faces.
Ekman has designated seven facial expressions that are the most widely used and easy to interpret. Learning to read them is incredibly helpful for understanding the people in our lives. If you want to practice reading people’s faces, it is important to know the following basic expressions. I would recommend trying the following faces in the mirror so you can see what they look like on yourself. You will also find that if you make the facial expression, you also begin to feel the emotion yourself! Emotions not only cause facial expressions, facial expressions also cause emotions.

1) Surprise Microexpression:

Surprise microexpression guide
-The brows are raised and curved
-Skin below the brow is stretched
-Horizontal wrinkles across the forehead
-Eyelids are opened, white of the eye showing above and below
-Jaw drops open and teeth are parted but there is not tension or stretching of the mouth

2) Fear Microexpression:

Fear microexpression guide
Brows are raised and drawn together, usually in a flat line
-Wrinkles in the forehead are in the center between the brows, not across
-Upper eyelid is raised, but the lower lid is tense and drawn up
-Upper eye has white showing, but not the lower white
-Mouth is open and lips are slightly tensed or stretched and drawn back

3) Disgust Microexpression:

Disgust microexpression guide

-Upper lid is raised
-Lower lip is raised
-Nose is wrinkled
-Cheeks are raised
-Lines show below the lower lid
This is the expression you make when you smell something bad.

4) Anger Microexpression:

Anger microexpression guide

-The brows are lowered and drawn together
-Vertical lines appear between the brows
-Lower lid is tensed
-Eyes hard stare or bulging
-Lips can be pressed firmly together with corners down or square shape as if shouting
-Nostrils may be dilated
-The lower jaw juts out

5) Happiness Microexpression:

Happiness microexpression guide
-Corners of the lips are drawn back and up
-Mouth may or may not be parted, teeth exposed
-A wrinkle runs from outer nose to outer lip
-Cheeks are raised
-Lower lid may show wrinkles or be tense
-Crows feet near the outside of the eyes
*The expressions on the left are real happiness, the ones on the right are fake happiness where the side eye muscles are not engaged. See the difference?

6) Sadness Microexpression:

Sadness Microexpression Guide
-Inner corners of the eyebrows are drawn in and then up
-Skin below eyebrow triangulated, with inner corner up
-Corner of the lips are drawn down
-Jaw comes up
-Lower lip pouts out
*This is the hardest microexpression to fake!

7) Contempt / Hate Microexpression:

Contempt Microexpression Guide
-One side of the mouth raises
Practice these emotions on yourself, and see if you can detect them in the people in your life.
Sometimes knowing what emotion your seeing is also just as important as an emotion you are NOT seeing. For example, if you are talking to someone about a vacation or activity you think they like, are they showing you genuine happiness? If you accuse them of cheating/breaking an office rule do they show surprise or fear? If they are not surprised, they probably knew they did something wrong and are afraid of getting caught. You can also test yourself, using this test.
The underlying importance of reading faces is that it has to be done in person, without looking down at a Blackberry or iPhone, so we have to pay attention to others. This alone helps tremendously in connecting with others and gleaning their true meaning.


Palmistry - The Art Of Palm Reading

Palmistry and the Art of Palm Reading

Discover the history of palmistry with this enchanting site on palm reading and other psychic gifts and powers. You will be amazed at what you will be able to read from the palm of your hand.

Palmistry begins with the obvious and proceeds, by innumerable intricate steps of judgment and interpretation, to extreme details of the palm. Conclusions can be made from a palmistry reading that can provide you with answers to questions you have regarding your life.
A palmistry reader can interpret aspects of a persons life by reading the lines of palmistry.A serious palmistry practitioner will begin by examining both hands: with a right-handed subject the left hand is considered the ‘birth hand’, which shows inherited predispositions of character, while the right hand is thought to reflect individuality, flexibility and potential. For the left-handed subject the opposite would be true.

Palmistry has always been one of the most popular methods in predicting the future.

For thousands of years now, people have relied on it to prepare themselves for what’s to come, to improve their lives and aspects of it like career or business, family, fame, success, relationships, and love life. Up to now, there are still people who refuse to believe in fortune telling but it is also now much easier to make them see and experience its wonders. The very fact that palmistry is now classified as a branch of science just goes to show that it does not just fall within the mysterious and unexplained. Those who express doubts can take a closer look to realize that it is indeed a comprehensive study using accumulated knowledge that has been tested way back.

"One of the ideas that serve as the foundation of palmistry is the fact that all people have different handprints. No two hands are the same."

The right and left hands of the same person are different, too. Even skeptics would not find it hard to believe now that their past, present, and future are within their reach, imprinted on their palms.
Unlike other methods of fortune telling that require the sixth sense, palm reading can be studied by reading books. This study is more technical because there are particular and fixed meanings assigned to different kinds of lines, shape and size of hand, texture of skin, and many other factors. Of course, it still takes a lot of skill since one must be able to interpret meanings accurately. Only by accurate interpretation can the expert help the individual improve his life, give him a new perspective, and let him discover more about himself.

On this website, one will get to learn about the basics of Palmistry, its history, development, kinds, and other studies that it covers. While it is always best to learn from the expert who can answer any question that he might have, reading through articles do provide careful and detailed explanations that people can keep coming back to. Learning palmistry does not just involve knowing what the lines of the palm means. It requires one to study its true nature from the very beginning.   

It’s also advisable to study palmistry using different sources. Being so, this homepage shows a list of other related websites that one can learn from. Being interested in palmistry can also lead to interests in other occult science branches.
Generally, palmistry is very interesting not just because of how much the lines of the palm can represent and tell things about a person. It is also because of the fact that there’s always something new. With every palm that a person looks at, there is a whole different story to be unraveled. It’s now just up to the palmist to use his knowledge and skills to discover these truths and answers so that people can learn from them, reflect on them, and use them to improve their lives.

Reading the Palm Lines

Reading the palm lines is not as easy as it may seem. It needs proper knowledge behind palmistry. The palm reader, on the other hand, must be equipped with a divine knowledge that may connect him/her with the proper palm reading assignment. There are three main lines in palm reading. These are the heart line, life line and head line. You must know how these lines work in reading the palm lines. Stated below are some instructions in reading the palm lines for the three major ones.

Heart Line                                                                                  

  • Find the heart line. One may locate it by finding the top line in one’s palm. It extends to you middle or index finger up to your pinky finger.
  • Know where the heart line starts. If it is underneath the index finder, it means that you are happy with your love life. If it is underneath the middle finger, you tend to have a selfish outlook in love. However, if it falls between the two fingers, you tend to give away your heart to easy.
  • The length of the line must also be observed. A shorter line means that you are more concerned with the act of having a sexual relationship than in romance.
  • The straightness of the heart line indicates of having the ability to control your emotions. The curvier it is, the more emotional the person becomes.

Head Line

  • The headline is located at the middle of the palm. It is below the heart line and goes across the palm
  • The length of the head line indicates the mental attitude of a person. If the head line is not very long, a person is more physical rather than a mental one.
  • The curviness of the head line shows how a person thinks. A curvy head line indicates that the person has a very short attention span while a straight line displays one’s concise thinking.
  • Broken spots in the headline mean one’s indecisiveness. It means inconsistency about how a person thinks or decides.

Life line

  • The life line is found below the heart and the head line. It starts at the edge of the palm and extend down to one’s palm.
  • The length of the life line indicates the possible length of his/her life span.
  • The depth the life line displays one’s health condition. It the lines are deeper than the usual, it indicates good health. Deeper lines provide one the information of being healthier than those with fainter lines. A fainter line indicates illness and diseases.
  • In reading the palm line, one must be able to count the lines across this line. If one has several lines, it shows that he/she has an enthusiastic view in life. It also shows the vitality of the surroundings around you.
  • If there are breaks in one’s life line, one should be prepared with sudden changes. These breaks involve drastic life changing events that may occur at some point. It could be in a positive or negative way.